Change the content of a string
This docstring is a complete lie. Fix it.
Start file
def add(a, b):
""" Subtracts "x" from "y" """
return a + b
End file
def add(a, b):
""" Adds "a" to "b" """
return a + b
< """ Subtracts "x" from "y" """
> """ Adds "a" to "b" """
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Frank Hui / @frankhui -
Score: 69 -
12/29/10 @ 06:44
:1,$ s/Subtracts/Adds/<CR>:1,$ s/x/a/<CR>:1,$ s/from/to/<CR>:1,$ s/y/b/<CR>:w<CR>:q<CR>
577 active golfers, 1541 entries
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11/09/2011 at 01:01PM
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