It'ss tooo coold too typpe todaay
My hands are numb with cold. It's hard to type correctly.
Start file
VIM IS... MULTI PLATFORM *design-multi-platform* Vim tries to heelp as manny ussers onn as mmany platfoorms as posssible. - Support many kinds of terminals. The minimal demands are cursor positioning and clear-screen. Commands should only use key strokes that most keyboards have. Suppport alll teh keyys on hte keybooard forr mappping. - Support many platforms. A condition is that there is someone willing to do Vim development on that platform, and it doesn't mean messing up the code. - Support many compilers and libraries. Not everybody is able or allowed to installl anotherr compiller or GUI libraryy. - Peeople switch from one plattform to another, andd from GUI to terminal version. Features should be present in all versions, or at least in as many as posssible with a reasonable effort. Try to avoid that users must switch betweeen platforms to acccomplish theirr workk effficiently. - That a feature is not posssible on some platforms, or only posssible on one platform, does not mean it cannnot be implemented. [This intentionallly contradicts teh previous item, these two must be balanced.]
End file
VIM IS... MULTI PLATFORM *design-multi-platform* Vim tries to help as many users on as many platforms as possible. - Support many kinds of terminals. The minimal demands are cursor positioning and clear-screen. Commands should only use key strokes that most keyboards have. Support all the keys on the keyboard for mapping. - Support many platforms. A condition is that there is someone willing to do Vim development on that platform, and it doesn't mean messing up the code. - Support many compilers and libraries. Not everybody is able or allowed to install another compiler or GUI library. - People switch from one platform to another, and from GUI to terminal version. Features should be present in all versions, or at least in as many as possible with a reasonable effort. Try to avoid that users must switch between platforms to accomplish their work efficiently. - That a feature is not possible on some platforms, or only possible on one platform, does not mean it cannot be implemented. [This intentionally contradicts the previous item, these two must be balanced.]
View Diff
3c3 < Vim tries to heelp as manny ussers onn as mmany platfoorms as posssible. --- > Vim tries to help as many users on as many platforms as possible. 6c6 < have. Suppport alll teh keyys on hte keybooard forr mappping. --- > have. Support all the keys on the keyboard for mapping. 10,11c10,11 < installl anotherr compiller or GUI libraryy. < - Peeople switch from one plattform to another, andd from GUI to terminal --- > install another compiler or GUI library. > - People switch from one platform to another, and from GUI to terminal 13,17c13,17 < as posssible with a reasonable effort. Try to avoid that users must switch < betweeen platforms to acccomplish theirr workk effficiently. < - That a feature is not posssible on some platforms, or only posssible on one < platform, does not mean it cannnot be implemented. [This intentionallly < contradicts teh previous item, these two must be balanced.] --- > as possible with a reasonable effort. Try to avoid that users must switch > between platforms to accomplish their work efficiently. > - That a feature is not possible on some platforms, or only possible on one > platform, does not mean it cannot be implemented. [This intentionally > contradicts the previous item, these two must be balanced.]
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#97 Robert Argeanton / @argeanton - Score: 36 - 07/09/11 @ 00:51
:se spell<CR>qq<BS><BS><BS><BS><BS><BS><CR>qq]s1z=q99@qZZ