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Here, piggy, piggy...

Youay owknay atwhay otay oday...

Start file
                    ARTHUR'S COURT

It was in Warwick Castle that I came across the
curious stranger whom I am going to talk about.
He attracted me by three things: his candid simplicity,
his marvelous familiarity with ancient armor, and the
restfulness of his company -- for he did all the talking.
We fell together, as modest people will, in the tail of
the herd that was being shown through, and he at once
began to say things which interested me. As he
talked along, softly, pleasantly, flowingly, he seemed
to drift away imperceptibly out of this world and time,
and into some remote era and old forgotten country;
and so he gradually wove such a spell about me that I
seemed to move among the specters and shadows and
dust and mold of a gray antiquity, holding speech with
a relic of it! Exactly as I would speak of my nearest
personal friends or enemies, or my most familiar
neighbors, he spoke of Sir Bedivere, Sir Bors de
Ganis, Sir Launcelot of the Lake, Sir Galahad, and all
the other great names of the Table Round -- and how
old, old, unspeakably old and faded and dry and
musty and ancient he came to look as he went on!
Presently he turned to me and said, just as one might
speak of the weather, or any other common matter.
End file
                    ARTHURWAY'SAY OURTCAY

Itway asway inway Arwickway Astlecay atthay Iway amecay acrossway ethay
uriouscay angerstray omwhay Iway amway oinggay otay alktay aboutway.
Ehay attractedway emay ybay eethray ingsthay: ishay andidcay implicitysay,
ishay arvelousmay amiliarityfay ithway ancientway armorway, andway ethay
estfulnessray ofway ishay ompanycay -- orfay ehay idday allway ethay alkingtay.
Eway ellfay ogethertay, asway odestmay eoplepay illway, inway ethay ailtay ofway
ethay erdhay atthay asway eingbay ownshay oughthray, andway ehay atway onceway
eganbay otay aysay ingsthay ichwhay interestedway emay. Asway ehay
alkedtay alongway, oftlysay, easantlyplay, owinglyflay, ehay eemedsay
otay iftdray awayway imperceptiblyway outway ofway isthay orldway andway imetay,
andway intoway omesay emoteray eraway andway oldway orgottenfay ountrycay;
andway osay ehay aduallygray oveway uchsay away ellspay aboutway emay atthay Iway
eemedsay otay ovemay amongway ethay ectersspay andway adowsshay andway
ustday andway oldmay ofway away aygray antiquityway, oldinghay eechspay ithway
away elicray ofway itway! Exactlyway asway Iway ouldway eakspay ofway ymay earestnay
ersonalpay iendsfray orway enemiesway, orway ymay ostmay amiliarfay
eighborsnay, ehay okespay ofway Irsay Ediverebay, Irsay Orsbay eday
Anisgay, Irsay Auncelotlay ofway ethay Akelay, Irsay Alahadgay, andway allway
ethay otherway eatgray amesnay ofway ethay Abletay Oundray -- andway owhay
oldway, oldway, unspeakablyway oldway andway adedfay andway ydray andway
ustymay andway ancientway ehay amecay otay ooklay asway ehay entway onway!
Esentlypray ehay urnedtay otay emay andway aidsay, ustjay asway oneway ightmay
eakspay ofway ethay eatherway, orway anyway otherway ommoncay attermay.

View Diff

<                     ARTHUR'S COURT
>                     ARTHURWAY'SAY OURTCAY
< It was in Warwick Castle that I came across the
< curious stranger whom I am going to talk about.
< He attracted me by three things: his candid simplicity,
< his marvelous familiarity with ancient armor, and the
< restfulness of his company -- for he did all the talking.
< We fell together, as modest people will, in the tail of
< the herd that was being shown through, and he at once
< began to say things which interested me. As he
< talked along, softly, pleasantly, flowingly, he seemed
< to drift away imperceptibly out of this world and time,
< and into some remote era and old forgotten country;
< and so he gradually wove such a spell about me that I
< seemed to move among the specters and shadows and
< dust and mold of a gray antiquity, holding speech with
< a relic of it! Exactly as I would speak of my nearest
< personal friends or enemies, or my most familiar
< neighbors, he spoke of Sir Bedivere, Sir Bors de
< Ganis, Sir Launcelot of the Lake, Sir Galahad, and all
< the other great names of the Table Round -- and how
< old, old, unspeakably old and faded and dry and
< musty and ancient he came to look as he went on!
< Presently he turned to me and said, just as one might
< speak of the weather, or any other common matter.
> Itway asway inway Arwickway Astlecay atthay Iway amecay acrossway ethay
> uriouscay angerstray omwhay Iway amway oinggay otay alktay aboutway.
> Ehay attractedway emay ybay eethray ingsthay: ishay andidcay implicitysay,
> ishay arvelousmay amiliarityfay ithway ancientway armorway, andway ethay
> estfulnessray ofway ishay ompanycay -- orfay ehay idday allway ethay alkingtay.
> Eway ellfay ogethertay, asway odestmay eoplepay illway, inway ethay ailtay ofway
> ethay erdhay atthay asway eingbay ownshay oughthray, andway ehay atway onceway
> eganbay otay aysay ingsthay ichwhay interestedway emay. Asway ehay
> alkedtay alongway, oftlysay, easantlyplay, owinglyflay, ehay eemedsay
> otay iftdray awayway imperceptiblyway outway ofway isthay orldway andway imetay,
> andway intoway omesay emoteray eraway andway oldway orgottenfay ountrycay;
> andway osay ehay aduallygray oveway uchsay away ellspay aboutway emay atthay Iway
> eemedsay otay ovemay amongway ethay ectersspay andway adowsshay andway
> ustday andway oldmay ofway away aygray antiquityway, oldinghay eechspay ithway
> away elicray ofway itway! Exactlyway asway Iway ouldway eakspay ofway ymay earestnay
> ersonalpay iendsfray orway enemiesway, orway ymay ostmay amiliarfay
> eighborsnay, ehay okespay ofway Irsay Ediverebay, Irsay Orsbay eday
> Anisgay, Irsay Auncelotlay ofway ethay Akelay, Irsay Alahadgay, andway allway
> ethay otherway eatgray amesnay ofway ethay Abletay Oundray -- andway owhay
> oldway, oldway, unspeakablyway oldway andway adedfay andway ydray andway
> ustymay andway ancientway ehay amecay otay ooklay asway ehay entway onway!
> Esentlypray ehay urnedtay otay emay andway aidsay, ustjay asway oneway ightmay
> eakspay ofway ethay eatherway, orway anyway otherway ommoncay attermay.


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#23 じょんあば / @john_ababa - Score: 1834 - 02/26/12 @ 07:56
dG:a!<CR>             AWAY ONNECTICUTCAY YANKEEAY INWAY INGKAY<CR>                    ARTHURWAY'SAY OURTCAY<CR><CR>Itway asway inway Arwickway Astlecay atthay Iway amecay acrossway ethay<CR>uriouscay angerstray omwhay Iway amway oinggay otay alktay aboutway.<CR>Ehay attractedway emay ybay eethray ingsthay: ishay andidcay implicitysay,<CR>ishay arvelousmay amiliarityfay ithway ancientway armorway, andway ethay<CR>estfulnessray ofway ishay ompanycay -- orfay ehay idday allway ethay alkingtay.<CR>Eway ellfay ogethertay, asway odestmay eoplepay illway, inway ethay ailtay ofway<CR>ethay erdhay atthay asway eingbay ownshay oughthray, andway ehay atway onceway<CR>eganbay otay aysay ingsthay ichwhay interestedway emay. Asway ehay<CR>alkedtay alongway, oftlysay, easantlyplay, owinglyflay, ehay eemedsay<CR>otay iftdray awayway imperceptiblyway outway ofway isthay orldway andway imetay,<CR>andway intoway omesay emoteray eraway andway oldway orgottenfay ountrycay;<CR>andway osay ehay aduallygray oveway uchsay away ellspay aboutway emay atthay Iway<CR>eemedsay otay ovemay amongway ethay ectersspay andway adowsshay andway<CR>ustday andway oldmay ofway away aygray antiquityway, oldinghay eechspay ithway<CR>away elicray ofway itway! Exactlyway asway Iway ouldway eakspay ofway ymay earestnay<CR>ersonalpay iendsfray orway enemiesway, orway ymay ostmay amiliarfay<CR>eighborsnay, ehay okespay ofway Irsay Ediverebay, Irsay Orsbay eday<CR>Anisgay, Irsay Auncelotlay ofway ethay Akelay, Irsay Alahadgay, andway allway<CR>ethay otherway eatgray amesnay ofway ethay Abletay Oundray -- andway owhay<CR>oldway, oldway, unspeakablyway oldway andway adedfay andway ydray andway<CR>ustymay andway ancientway ehay amecay otay ooklay asway ehay entway onway!<CR>Esentlypray ehay urnedtay otay emay andway aidsay, ustjay asway oneway ightmay<CR>eakspay ofway ethay eatherway, orway anyway otherway ommoncay attermay.<CR><Esc><Esc>ZZ


Created by: @gumnos

23 active golfers, 80 entries

Leaderboard (lowest score wins):
#1 - Urtica dioica / @udioica

11/04/2013 at 02:07AM

#2 - John Braxler / @braxler

12/22/2014 at 07:53PM

#3 - Peppa Pig / @PeppaPigSg

07/03/2024 at 08:30AM

#4 - Petro Тrouq / @zulolosi

07/06/2013 at 05:46AM

#5 - You-Siang Lin / @yslinnctu

12/01/2011 at 09:30AM

#6 - William Dunand / @wdunand

11/16/2011 at 04:02AM

#7 - hiding / @I_haveno_name

10/05/2013 at 09:31PM

#8 - dominique pellé / @vimgolfisto

01/06/2011 at 01:01PM

#9 - Wei Dai / @clvv42

01/07/2011 at 03:34AM

#10 - derp derp / @derp__

01/09/2011 at 03:17AM

#11 - Justin Love / @wondible

08/25/2011 at 10:04PM

#12 - Victor Vaile / @victorv4_

01/06/2011 at 10:38AM

#13 - Pete Johns / @johnsyweb

01/09/2011 at 02:35AM

#14 - Matthew Draper / @_matthewd

01/06/2011 at 02:27AM

#15 - Federico Galassi / @federicogalassi

01/06/2011 at 07:46PM

#16 - h_east (トロッコ6個) / @h_east

02/12/2011 at 08:56AM

#17 - Danny O'Sullivan / @db0s

01/06/2011 at 11:49AM

#18 - Øystein Walle / @oysteinwalle

07/04/2011 at 06:32PM

#19 - nickGPT / @nickandbro

08/28/2024 at 11:20PM

#20 - Tim Chase / @gumnos

01/06/2011 at 01:30AM

#21 - drio / @drio

01/18/2011 at 12:03AM

#22 - Julien Durillon / @juuduu

06/28/2011 at 11:30PM

#23 - じょんあば / @john_ababa

02/26/2012 at 07:56AM