Alphabetize the directory
Put the contacts and their information in alphabetical order.
Start file
## Directory * Smith, George - 1234 Avenue, New York, NY * Bailey, Stephen - 4545 Harbor Ln, Atlanta, GA - Phone: (412) 291-1238 * Thomas, Brent - 1482 Mystic Oaks, Anaheim, CA * Grant, Jenny - 198 Circle Dr, Houston, TX - Phone: (213) 198-9842 - Email: * Percy, Adam - 221 Jaguar Pkwy, Missoula, MT * Garfield, Misty - 5988 Apple Tree Ln, Memphis, TN * Parsons, Betty - Phone: (235) 523-2378 - Email: * Sanders, Terry - Email: * Smith, Pete - Phone: (294) 984-2938 * Frost, Jennifer - 2498 Temple Terrace, Miami, FL * Matthews, Frank - 418 Happy Trail, Phoenix, AZ - Phone: (985) 129-2394 - Email: * Allen, Taylor - Email: * McCullen, Sarah - 247 Hidden Elm, Seattle, WA - Phone: (288) 283-4568 * Perkins, Mike - 992 Peartree Ln, Bowling Green, KY
End file
## Directory * Allen, Taylor - Email: * Bailey, Stephen - 4545 Harbor Ln, Atlanta, GA - Phone: (412) 291-1238 * Frost, Jennifer - 2498 Temple Terrace, Miami, FL * Garfield, Misty - 5988 Apple Tree Ln, Memphis, TN * Grant, Jenny - 198 Circle Dr, Houston, TX - Phone: (213) 198-9842 - Email: * Matthews, Frank - 418 Happy Trail, Phoenix, AZ - Phone: (985) 129-2394 - Email: * McCullen, Sarah - 247 Hidden Elm, Seattle, WA - Phone: (288) 283-4568 * Parsons, Betty - Phone: (235) 523-2378 - Email: * Percy, Adam - 221 Jaguar Pkwy, Missoula, MT * Perkins, Mike - 992 Peartree Ln, Bowling Green, KY * Sanders, Terry - Email: * Smith, George - 1234 Avenue, New York, NY * Smith, Pete - Phone: (294) 984-2938 * Thomas, Brent - 1482 Mystic Oaks, Anaheim, CA
View Diff
2,3c2,3 < * Smith, George < - 1234 Avenue, New York, NY --- > * Allen, Taylor > - Email: 7,8c7,10 < * Thomas, Brent < - 1482 Mystic Oaks, Anaheim, CA --- > * Frost, Jennifer > - 2498 Temple Terrace, Miami, FL > * Garfield, Misty > - 5988 Apple Tree Ln, Memphis, TN 13,25d14 < * Percy, Adam < - 221 Jaguar Pkwy, Missoula, MT < * Garfield, Misty < - 5988 Apple Tree Ln, Memphis, TN < * Parsons, Betty < - Phone: (235) 523-2378 < - Email: < * Sanders, Terry < - Email: < * Smith, Pete < - Phone: (294) 984-2938 < * Frost, Jennifer < - 2498 Temple Terrace, Miami, FL 30,31d18 < * Allen, Taylor < - Email: 34a22,26 > * Parsons, Betty > - Phone: (235) 523-2378 > - Email: > * Percy, Adam > - 221 Jaguar Pkwy, Missoula, MT 36a29,36 > * Sanders, Terry > - Email: > * Smith, George > - 1234 Avenue, New York, NY > * Smith, Pete > - Phone: (294) 984-2938 > * Thomas, Brent > - 1482 Mystic Oaks, Anaheim, CA
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#101 じょんあば / @john_ababa - Score: 1030 - 02/28/12 @ 15:51
jdG:a!<CR> * Allen, Taylor<CR> - Email:<CR> * Bailey, Stephen<CR> - 4545 Harbor Ln, Atlanta, GA<CR> - Phone: (412) 291-1238<CR> * Frost, Jennifer<CR> - 2498 Temple Terrace, Miami, FL<CR> * Garfield, Misty<CR> - 5988 Apple Tree Ln, Memphis, TN<CR> * Grant, Jenny<CR> - 198 Circle Dr, Houston, TX<CR> - Phone: (213) 198-9842<CR> - Email:<CR> * Matthews, Frank<CR> - 418 Happy Trail, Phoenix, AZ<CR> - Phone: (985) 129-2394<CR> - Email:<CR> * McCullen, Sarah<CR> - 247 Hidden Elm, Seattle, WA<CR> - Phone: (288) 283-4568<CR> * Parsons, Betty<CR> - Phone: (235) 523-2378<CR> - Email:<CR> * Percy, Adam<CR> - 221 Jaguar Pkwy, Missoula, MT<CR> * Perkins, Mike<CR> - 992 Peartree Ln, Bowling Green, KY<CR> * Sanders, Terry<CR> - Email:<CR> * Smith, George<CR> - 1234 Avenue, New York, NY<CR> * Smith, Pete<CR> - Phone: (294) 984-2938<CR> * Thomas, Brent<CR> - 1482 Mystic Oaks, Anaheim, CA<CR><Esc><Esc>ZZ