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Convert pandoc unordered list to a numbered list

I know it's possible to use #. in pandoc to auto-generate numbered lists, but then it's not easy to tell how many items there are when reading it in Markdown. How fast can you make the switch?

Start file
My cursor happens to be on this line

## Here is my unordered list
   * item 1
      + it has some sub-items
         - sometimes it has sub-sub-items
      - i list some information about it
   * here is another item
   * and another
      - with some random sub-item
      - maybe with something in **bold** to make asterisks suck
   * woohoo I'm listing stuff like mad
   * I'm a mad pandoc'ing fool
      - long-live **John MacFarlane**!
      + reasons why pandoc is awesome
         - there's just too many list
         - but i'll put some more sub-sub-items for example
         - superfluous - and + to make matching them a pain
   * woo look at these sexy bullet points
   * you almost don't want to turn them into integers
   * but then you do because you know it's the right thing to do

## Here's some other stuff in the file
   * blah blah blah
   * maybe I should go with #. but then it's not readable in txt format
End file
My cursor happens to be on this line

## Here is my unordered list
   1. item 1
      + it has some sub-items
         - sometimes it has sub-sub-items
      - i list some information about it
   2. here is another item
   3. and another
      - with some random sub-item
      - maybe with something in **bold** to make asterisks suck
   4. woohoo I'm listing stuff like mad
   5. I'm a mad pandoc'ing fool
      - long-live **John MacFarlane**!
      + reasons why pandoc is awesome
         - there's just too many list
         - but i'll put some more sub-sub-items for example
         - superfluous - and + to make matching them a pain
   6. woo look at these sexy bullet points
   7. you almost don't want to turn them into integers
   8. but then you do because you know it's the right thing to do

## Here's some other stuff in the file
   * blah blah blah
   * maybe I should go with #. but then it's not readable in txt format

View Diff

<    * item 1
>    1. item 1
<    * here is another item
<    * and another
>    2. here is another item
>    3. and another
<    * woohoo I'm listing stuff like mad
<    * I'm a mad pandoc'ing fool
>    4. woohoo I'm listing stuff like mad
>    5. I'm a mad pandoc'ing fool
<    * woo look at these sexy bullet points
<    * you almost don't want to turn them into integers
<    * but then you do because you know it's the right thing to do
>    6. woo look at these sexy bullet points
>    7. you almost don't want to turn them into integers
>    8. but then you do because you know it's the right thing to do


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#57 RusAlex Pletnev / @RusAlexander - Score: 69 - 07/25/12 @ 19:03
/* <CR>r1yawqqnvp<C-A><Esc>ur2nr3nnr4uuuur1nr2nr3nr<Esc><Esc>nr4nr5nr6nr7nr8:%s/\d/&.<CR>ZZ


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09/28/2015 at 01:33PM