NATO phonetic alphabet
Transform the series of words into a list.
Start file
Alfa Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tengo Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu
End file
A = Alfa B = Bravo C = Charlie D = Delta E = Echo F = Foxtrot G = Golf H = Hotel I = India J = Juliet K = Kilo L = Lima M = Mike N = November O = Oscar P = Papa Q = Quebec R = Romeo S = Sierra T = Tengo U = Uniform V = Victor W = Whiskey X = Xray Y = Yankee Z = Zulu
View Diff
[1;33mdiff --git a/input.txt b/output.txt[m [1;33mindex 0a4121f..1ab8b7c 100644[m [1;33m--- a/input.txt[m [1;33m+++ b/output.txt[m [1;35m@@ -1 +1,26 @@[m [1;32mA =[m Alfa [1;32mB =[m Bravo [1;32mC =[m Charlie [1;32mD =[m Delta [1;32mE =[m Echo [1;32mF =[m Foxtrot [1;32mG =[m Golf [1;32mH =[m Hotel [1;32mI =[m India [1;32mJ =[m Juliet [1;32mK =[m Kilo [1;32mL =[m Lima [1;32mM =[m Mike [1;32mN =[m November [1;32mO =[m Oscar [1;32mP =[m Papa [1;32mQ =[m Quebec [1;32mR =[m Romeo [1;32mS =[m Sierra [1;32mT =[m Tengo [1;32mU =[m Uniform [1;32mV =[m Victor [1;32mW =[m Whiskey [1;32mX =[m Xray [1;32mY =[m Yankee [1;32mZ =[m Zulu
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#195 Ryan / @Rdgy567889 - Score: 62 - 05/17/23 @ 20:18
:'<BS>?<BS>"<BS>%s'<BS>/ /\r/g<CR><C-V>ggI = <Esc><CR>jhkkkll<C-V>Gll<Esc><C-V>gglly0<C-V>GhIp<BS><Esc>puP<Esc>:wq<CR>