If you remember "The Shinning", the first time you saw the bloody word REDRUM you probably thinked "What the Hell is that?" Well, then you know that you need a little help from a looking-glass to make sense of it. Now it's time to use vim like a mirror to reveal the message.
Start file
nac uoy ro ,rorrim a ni siht daer ot evah uoy ,redrum eht hctac ot tnaw uoy fI ); miV esu .omodrojam eht redrum ehT
End file
If you want to catch the murder, you have to read this in a mirror, or you can use Vim ;) The murder is... the majordomo.
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1,2c1,2 < nac uoy ro ,rorrim a ni siht daer ot evah uoy ,redrum eht hctac ot tnaw uoy fI < ); miV esu --- > If you want to catch the murder, you have to read this in a mirror, or you can > use Vim ;) 4c4 < .omodrojam eht redrum ehT --- > The murder is... the majordomo.
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#65 faul_sname / @faul_sname - Score: 43 - 12/24/12 @ 23:52
#66 Andrew Hlavats / @farthestworld - Score: 43 - 02/24/13 @ 19:01