Across-Down Flip
Do this instead of the Sunday crossword.
Start file
pump mocha some anis agios kbar disintegrations roc ice snidest inarch readd tee ser boite spam mutational eel copycat fed clodhopper oils tegua res urd bleed enserf seabeds ama leu antihistaminics goon cooly etui alps tress byrl
End file
padri sect saga union pele enol miscatalog atop psi rem dubbins nice chaleh match moo edict ogee suppressor cig retyped toe horseraces aals asana tar emmys tidbit unai skiddoo ors neb oboe infidelity mans tael recur erst elds fusil
View Diff
1,15c1,15 < pump mocha some < anis agios kbar < disintegrations < roc ice snidest < inarch readd < tee ser boite < spam mutational < eel copycat fed < clodhopper oils < tegua res urd < bleed enserf < seabeds ama leu < antihistaminics < goon cooly etui < alps tress byrl --- > padri sect saga > union pele enol > miscatalog atop > psi rem dubbins > nice chaleh > match moo edict > ogee suppressor > cig retyped toe > horseraces aals > asana tar emmys > tidbit unai > skiddoo ors neb > oboe infidelity > mans tael recur > erst elds fusil
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Created by: @udioica Tweet
26 active golfers, 68 entries
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#9 - πππππππ πππ’πππππ / @TitouanT_
04/03/2019 at 11:15PM