Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

Pick a challenge, fire up Vim, and show us what you got.

Changelog, Rules & FAQ, updates: @vimgolf, RSS.

Your VimGolf key: please sign in

$ gem install vimgolf
$ vimgolf setup
$ vimgolf put 51cd1be19f3290000200000e

Assign list

Assign list elements to matrix

Start file
A challenge can hide secrets

  M00 =
  M01 =
  M10 =
  M11 =
  M20 =
  M21 = 0
End file
  M[0][0] = 'A'
  M[0][1] = 'challenge'
  M[1][0] = 'can'
  M[1][1] = 'hide'
  M[2][0] = 'secrets'
  M[2][1] = 0

View Diff

A challenge can hide secrets				      <

  M00 =							      |	  M[0][0] = 'A'
  M01 =							      |	  M[0][1] = 'challenge'
  M10 =							      |	  M[1][0] = 'can'
  M11 =							      |	  M[1][1] = 'hide'
  M20 =							      |	  M[2][0] = 'secrets'
  M21 = 0						      |	  M[2][1] = 0


The best way to learn is to practice. Below, you will find some of the solutions other golfers have entered. To unlock higher ranked solutions, submit your own entry which does as well or better than the solutions you can currently see - climb the ladder!

Check out these helpful resources to improve your Vim skills... Game on.

Unlock 60 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
#61 moo goo / @m00g000 - Score: 73 - 07/01/13 @ 15:28
qwdw/=$<CR>pggq@w@@@@@@dd:%s/\vM(\d)(\d)/M[\1][\2]<CR>:%s/\v\=(\w+) */= '\1'<CR>ZZ

@zulolosi: Hi! it doesn't need M, only this :%s/\v(\d)(\d)/[\1][\2]

1 comment

Created by: @zulolosi

61 active golfers, 192 entries

Leaderboard (lowest score wins):
#61 - moo goo / @m00g000

07/01/2013 at 03:28PM