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Start file
gamag gamah ganci gaoag gaoah gaoci gbmag gboch gboci gcmag gcmah gcmai gcnci gcoag gcoah gcoai gcoch gcobg gcoci hamag hamah hanci haoag hbmag hbnci hboag hboch hboci hcmag hcncg hcnch hcnci hcoag hcoci iamag
End file
gaoag gaoah gaoci gboch gboci gcoag gcoah gcoai gcoch gcobg gcoci haoag hboag hboch hboci hcoag hcoci
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1,3d0 < gamag < gamah < ganci 7d3 < gbmag 10,13d5 < gcmag < gcmah < gcmai < gcnci 20,22d11 < hamag < hamah < hanci 24,25d12 < hbmag < hbnci 29,32d15 < hcmag < hcncg < hcnch < hcnci 35d17 < iamag
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#230 Benjamin Zimmer / @techerausa - Score: 57 - 09/30/13 @ 14:53