Write Setters and Getters for PHP
Just simple automation of writing Setters and Getters like Doctrine might use.
Start file
<?php class Example { firstProperty secondItem lastAttribute }
End file
<?php class Example { private $firstProperty; public function getFirstProperty() { return $this->firstProperty; } public function setFirstProperty($value) { $this->firstProperty = $value; } private $secondItem; public function getSecondItem() { return $this->secondItem; } public function setSecondItem($value) { $this->secondItem = $value; } private $lastAttribute; public function getLastAttribute() { return $this->lastAttribute; } public function setLastAttribute($value) { $this->lastAttribute = $value; } }
View Diff
4,6c4,38 < firstProperty < secondItem < lastAttribute --- > private $firstProperty; > > public function getFirstProperty() > { > return $this->firstProperty; > } > > public function setFirstProperty($value) > { > $this->firstProperty = $value; > } > > private $secondItem; > > public function getSecondItem() > { > return $this->secondItem; > } > > public function setSecondItem($value) > { > $this->secondItem = $value; > } > > private $lastAttribute; > > public function getLastAttribute() > { > return $this->lastAttribute; > } > > public function setLastAttribute($value) > { > $this->lastAttribute = $value; > }
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#33 Eric Potter / @pottereric - Score: 262 - 03/03/14 @ 02:57
:4,6s/\S/private $&<CR>A;<Esc>ka;<Esc>kA;<CR><CR>public functino<BS><BS>on getX()<CR>{<CR><Tab>return this<BS><BS><BS><BS>$this->X;<CR><BS>}<CR><Esc>:6,10y<CR>pfgrs<CR><CR>dwA<BS> = $value;<Esc>hcya<Esc><Up><Up>i$value<Esc>:5,15y<CR>:16<CR>p:28<CR>p:39<CR>dd:5,15s/X/firstProperty<CR>:17,27s/X/secondItem<CR>:29,39//<BS><BS>s/X/lastAttribute<CR>:%s/tf/tF<CR>:%s/ts/tS<CR>:%s/tl/tL<CR>ZZ