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We did this a VimGolf challenge at work and now that we have finished I want to see if you guys can come up with something even better than we could. Our best solution was 44 keystrokes.
Start file
<table> <thead> <th> <th id="first_name">First Name</th> <th id="last_name">Last Name</th> <th id="address">Address</th> <th id="city">City</th> <th id="state">State</th> <th id="zip_postal">Zip</th> <th id="country">Country</th> <th id="phone">Phone</th> </th> </thead> </table>
End file
<table> <thead> <th> <th id="first_name"> First Name</th> <th id="last_name "> Last Name </th> <th id="address "> Address </th> <th id="city "> City </th> <th id="state "> State </th> <th id="zip_postal"> Zip </th> <th id="country "> Country </th> <th id="phone "> Phone </th> </th> </thead> </table>
View Diff
2,13c2,13 < <thead> < <th> < <th id="first_name">First Name</th> < <th id="last_name">Last Name</th> < <th id="address">Address</th> < <th id="city">City</th> < <th id="state">State</th> < <th id="zip_postal">Zip</th> < <th id="country">Country</th> < <th id="phone">Phone</th> < </th> < </thead> --- > <thead> > <th> > <th id="first_name"> First Name</th> > <th id="last_name "> Last Name </th> > <th id="address "> Address </th> > <th id="city "> City </th> > <th id="state "> State </th> > <th id="zip_postal"> Zip </th> > <th id="country "> Country </th> > <th id="phone "> Phone </th> > </th> > </thead>
The best way to learn is to practice. Below, you will find some of the solutions other golfers have entered. To unlock higher ranked solutions, submit your own entry which does as well or better than the solutions you can currently see - climb the ladder!
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#36 Chris Davison / @davisonnn - Score: 227 - 05/24/14 @ 23:25
2Gv13G>3Gv12G> /Fi <BS><BS><CR>i <Esc>kjjhhhi <Esc>llli l<Esc>xlllllllla <Esc>jhhhhhhhhhhhhha<Esc>i <Esc>fAil<BS> <Esc>%fCjFChhi <Esc>fCi k<BS><Esc>kfs;a <Esc>jFya <Esc>jF"i4 =<BS><BS><BS> <Esc>fSi <Esc>fei<Right> <Esc>jf"F"fZi <Right><Right><Right> <Esc>jf"F"i <Esc>fCi <Esc>fya <Esc>jF"i <Esc>fPi <Esc>fea ZZ<BS><BS><Esc>ZZ