Interleave lines
This is some kind of « paste -d'\n' c b a ». There are many ways to achieve this.. just find the shortest!
Start file
kif_004c.jpg p1000055.jpg mov00843.mpg dsc00959.jpg 1978-07-29 2004-08-22 2007-01-18 2015-03-15 OVEGU FXNGR QNAPR GBQNL
End file
OVEGU 1978-07-29 kif_004c.jpg FXNGR 2004-08-22 p1000055.jpg QNAPR 2007-01-18 mov00843.mpg GBQNL 2015-03-15 dsc00959.jpg
View Diff
1,10d0 < kif_004c.jpg < p1000055.jpg < mov00843.mpg < dsc00959.jpg < < 1978-07-29 < 2004-08-22 < 2007-01-18 < 2015-03-15 < 11a2,3 > 1978-07-29 > kif_004c.jpg 12a5,6 > 2004-08-22 > p1000055.jpg 13a8,9 > 2007-01-18 > mov00843.mpg 14a11,12 > 2015-03-15 > dsc00959.jpg
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#60 Alice Benign / @AliceBenign - Score: 104 - 03/29/15 @ 13:43