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Create bison tokens

Create tokens for bison out of a known list of words

Start file
call real integer write read while end do if then else program var begin return include
End file
call {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Call;
real {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Real;
integer {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Integer;
write {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Write;
read {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Read;
while {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return While;
end {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return End;
do {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Do;
if {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return If;
then {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Then;
else {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Else;
program {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Program;
var {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Var;
begin {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Begin;
return {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Return;
include {
	yylval.type = strdup("res");
	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
	return Include;

View Diff

< call real integer write read while end do if then else program var begin return include
> call {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Call;
> }
> real {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Real;
> }
> integer {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Integer;
> }
> write {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Write;
> }
> read {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Read;
> }
> while {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return While;
> }
> end {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return End;
> }
> do {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Do;
> }
> if {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return If;
> }
> then {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Then;
> }
> else {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Else;
> }
> program {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Program;
> }
> var {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Var;
> }
> begin {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Begin;
> }
> return {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Return;
> }
> include {
> 	yylval.type = strdup("res");
> 	yylval.value = strdup(yytext);
> 	return Include;
> }


The best way to learn is to practice. Below, you will find some of the solutions other golfers have entered. To unlock higher ranked solutions, submit your own entry which does as well or better than the solutions you can currently see - climb the ladder!

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Unlock 17 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
#18 Alexander Botticelli / @BotticelliAlex - Score: 125 - 12/19/15 @ 11:49
q2wi<CR><Esc>kA{<CR><Tab>yylval.type = strdup("res");<Esc>yypwwciwvalue<Esc>4wci(yytr<BS>ext<Esc>kkbviwy2jA<CR>return ;<Esc>Pb~A<CR>}<Esc>i<BS><Esc>jq@<Esc>15@2ddkA<BS>e;<Esc>kkkie <Esc>:wq<CR>


Created by: @BotticelliAlex

18 active golfers, 47 entries

Leaderboard (lowest score wins):
#1 - Smylers / @Smylers2

02/11/2016 at 02:44PM

#2 - Urtica dioica / @udioica

01/12/2017 at 02:02AM

#3 - John Braxler / @braxler

08/10/2018 at 01:53PM

#4 - Peppa Pig / @PeppaPi95550250

07/03/2024 at 01:00AM

#5 - nickGPT / @nickandbro

08/28/2024 at 03:40AM

#6 - Jon Krause / @jkrause314

12/21/2015 at 06:51PM

#7 - vimgolfer / @vimgolfer7

10/06/2019 at 04:10AM

#8 - sellerie schnitzel / @sellerieschnitz

12/20/2015 at 05:26PM

#9 - Carlos A Henríquez Q / @lagunex

03/13/2016 at 04:22PM

#10 - Bennett / @bennettbackward

12/20/2018 at 09:09AM

#11 - Walker Boh / @walker_boh

12/21/2015 at 03:56PM

#12 - Mikael Saltzman / @MikaelSaltzman

12/27/2015 at 03:18PM

#13 - RobertT / @techrt2050

01/25/2016 at 03:57AM

#14 - Frederik Klama / @fklama

01/27/2016 at 03:37PM

#15 - Tj / @yrddy

03/02/2016 at 02:36AM

#16 - Håken Lid / @haakenlid

12/27/2015 at 03:06PM

#17 - Christopher Wells / @ExcaliburZero_Z

12/20/2015 at 04:19AM

#18 - Alexander Botticelli / @BotticelliAlex

12/19/2015 at 11:49AM