Hidden Message
Find the hidden message and replace all other characters with spaces.
Start file
ubkptcgbjc vhellosqgf abpnvazvgc eycbkcnicm qyinexvmxf rlgmffufur ybdokpsfxm znfrlyaazb zeunlfkmfe emlzsfgnlj
End file
hello v i m g o l f
View Diff
1,10c1,10 < ubkptcgbjc < vhellosqgf < abpnvazvgc < eycbkcnicm < qyinexvmxf < rlgmffufur < ybdokpsfxm < znfrlyaazb < zeunlfkmfe < emlzsfgnlj --- > > hello > v > i > m > g > o > l > f >
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#30 Paul Inc / @hiniol1982 - Score: 111 - 07/13/17 @ 03:46
Vr j<C-V>9jr lj<C-V>fz3jkr fg<C-V>lGllllllllr khh<C-V>$r 3jjhhhhl.jkjl.jkjl.jl.jl.hh<C-V>0r kfl.u<C-V>0.r k<C-V>frr k<C-V>fdr klr fgnjjjjfgr ZZ