Palindrome numbers
For each number compute its associated palindrome. First number (first line) has been eaten! #prime
Start file
?? 211 2111 10111 12011 20021 21101
End file
121 23632 2347432 112242211 132373231 240292042 213373312
View Diff
1,7c1,7 < ?? < 211 < 2111 < 10111 < 12011 < 20021 < 21101 --- > 121 > 23632 > 2347432 > 112242211 > 132373231 > 240292042 > 213373312
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#16 조성식 / @Y9eKW0qxvsdIN6W - Score: 92 - 03/25/21 @ 02:26