Remember VimGolf Rules !
Rules, ... and don't forget !
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Rules 1.Anyone can create a new challenge 2.Creator of the challenge is also the moderator: can view/delete solutions 3.Players can submit as many attempts as they want per challenge 4.Entries are ranked by score (lowest wins), ties broken by time 5.VimGolf initializes your Vim with a custom .vimrc - no custom modifications 6.No plugins, predefined macros, etc, are allowed - level playing field 7.Refrain from copy/paste, reading in the solution (:read), or using external tools 8.Cheaters will be publicly ridiculed by fellow golfers :-) Note: We're definitely not trying to discourage Vim users from customizing their .vimrc's, defining useful macros or loading external plugins. Having said that, to have a fair competition, we need to level the playing field, and to do that, we're sticking to the basics. A Happy New Year 2018 !
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Rules 1.Anyone can create a new challenge 2.Creator of the challenge is also the moderator: can view/delete solutions 3.Players can submit as many attempts as they want per challenge 4.Entries are ranked by score (lowest wins), ties broken by time 5.VimGolf initializes your Vim with a custom .vimrc - no custom modifications 6.No plugins, predefined macros, etc, are allowed - level playing field 7.Refrain from copy/paste, reading in the solution (:read), or using external tools 8.Cheaters will be publicly ridiculed by fellow golfers :-) Note: We're definitely not trying to discourage Vim users from customizing their .vimrc's, defining useful macros or loading external plugins. Having said that, to have a fair competition, we need to level the playing field, and to do that, we're sticking to the basics. A Happy New Year 2018 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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14c14 < A Happy New Year 2018 ! \ No newline at end of file --- > A Happy New Year 2018 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \ No newline at end of file
The best way to learn is to practice. Below, you will find some of the solutions other golfers have entered. To unlock higher ranked solutions, submit your own entry which does as well or better than the solutions you can currently see - climb the ladder!
Check out these helpful resources to improve your Vim skills... Game on.
Unlock 139 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
#140 Petro Тrouq / @zulolosi - Score: 47 - 01/01/18 @ 11:39
<C-End>S <BS>A Happy New Year 2018 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<Esc>ZZ
#141 nickGPT / @nickandbro - Score: 47 - 08/27/24 @ 05:16
<C-End>S <BS>A Happy New Year 2018 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<Esc>ZZ