remove lines containing the word "reader"
easy stuff
Start file
aklfdjwi37u8rifa a8fdiy 8837r asfyf3y reader ksaldfjlasreadr aodifufjoe readddddddrrfai lakdfj0923898 928329 192378 reader 213891823 reader 29083190283 893774701283 https://website.grep/reader/somecomic.cbz reader not reader
End file
ksaldfjlasreadr aodifufjoe readddddddrrfai
View Diff
1d0 < aklfdjwi37u8rifa a8fdiy 8837r asfyf3y reader 3,5d1 < lakdfj0923898 928329 192378 reader < 213891823 reader 29083190283 893774701283 < https://website.grep/reader/somecomic.cbz 7,8d2 < reader < not reader
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#1166 Ahmed Zakir / @ahmadmzak - Score: 92 - 01/26/20 @ 01:25
:%s norm<BS><BS><BS><BS><BS>/reader//<BS> norm dd<CR>u::g<BS><BS>g/reader norm dd<CR>:5<BS>%s/reader<Left><Left><Left><Left><Left><Left><Left><BS><BS>f<BS>g<Right><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right>/d<CR>:x<CR>