Mr. Hacker
Elvin is hacker. He has piece of users database from some social net site. Recently he installed Vim, and he wants to convert CSV DB to specific format `key=value' where `key' is login and `value' is password, but password in DB is encrypted in ROT13. Help him.
Start file
name,surname,login,password john,smith,superjser,wfvfpbbyyby fred,simpson,fredsi,qmcapivrs will,popov,vimer123,rznpffhpxf greg,rockin,gogin,yvahkvfzlsni anastasia,krasivaya,heartinussr,patrioticwoman lev,tolstoy,ltolstoy,jnenaqcrnprvfirelireluneqobbxgbernqnaqirelirelybatnununyvxrguvfcnffubjvjvyyerzrzorevguhu
End file
superjser=jsiscoollol fredsi=dzpncvief vimer123=emacssucks gogin=linuxismyfav heartinussr=cngevbgvpjbzna ltolstoy=warandpeaceisveryveryhardbooktoreadandveryverylongahahalikethispasshowiwillrememberithuh
View Diff
1,7c1,6 < name,surname,login,password < john,smith,superjser,wfvfpbbyyby < fred,simpson,fredsi,qmcapivrs < will,popov,vimer123,rznpffhpxf < greg,rockin,gogin,yvahkvfzlsni < anastasia,krasivaya,heartinussr,patrioticwoman < lev,tolstoy,ltolstoy,jnenaqcrnprvfirelireluneqobbxgbernqnaqirelirelybatnununyvxrguvfcnffubjvjvyyerzrzorevguhu --- > superjser=jsiscoollol > fredsi=dzpncvief > vimer123=emacssucks > gogin=linuxismyfav > heartinussr=cngevbgvpjbzna > ltolstoy=warandpeaceisveryveryhardbooktoreadandveryverylongahahalikethispasshowiwillrememberithuh
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#35 Nick Salesky / @NickSalesky - Score: 75 - 08/13/22 @ 16:15