Enumerate Bullets
We will need to refer to the bullet points in our document explicitly later, so we need to assign them some ID's!
Start file
# This is an enumeration of bullet points! ## Usual placeholders: - foo - bar - baz - (qux) - (quux) ## pythonic-placeholders: - spam - eggs ## cryptographic placeholders: - alice - bob - eve - trudy ### Search-related: - needle - haystack
End file
# This is an enumeration of bullet points! ## Usual placeholders: 01. foo 02. bar 03. baz 04. (qux) 05. (quux) ## pythonic-placeholders: 06. spam 07. eggs ## cryptographic placeholders: 08. alice 09. bob 10. eve 11. trudy ### Search-related: 12. needle 13. haystack
View Diff
3,5c3,5 < - foo < - bar < - baz --- > 01. foo > 02. bar > 03. baz 7,8c7,8 < - (qux) < - (quux) --- > 04. (qux) > 05. (quux) 10,11c10,11 < - spam < - eggs --- > 06. spam > 07. eggs 15,18c15,18 < - alice < - bob < - eve < - trudy --- > 08. alice > 09. bob > 10. eve > 11. trudy 21,22c21,22 < - needle < - haystack --- > 12. needle > 13. haystack
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#84 fff / @fff51460170 - Score: 100 - 02/21/21 @ 06:09