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Fix the git merge conflicts

Solve the merge conflicts in the Python file

Start file
<<<<<<< HEAD
def calculate_total(items):
    """Calculate total price of items with 10% discount"""
    total = sum(item['price'] for item in items)
    return total * 0.9  # Apply 10% discount
def calculate_total(items):
    """Calculate total price of items with tax"""
    total = sum(item['price'] for item in items)
    return total * 1.15  # Apply 15% tax
>>>>>>> feature/add-tax

def format_currency(amount):
<<<<<<< HEAD
    """Format amount as USD"""
    return f"${amount:.2f}"
    """Format amount as EUR"""
    return f"€{amount:.2f}"
>>>>>>> feature/currency-update

def process_order(items):
    total = calculate_total(items)
<<<<<<< HEAD
    return {
        'status': 'success',
        'total': format_currency(total),
        'items_count': len(items)
    shipping = 5.99 if total < 50 else 0
    return {
        'status': 'processed',
        'total': format_currency(total + shipping),
        'shipping': shipping
>>>>>>> feature/shipping
End file
def calculate_total(items):
    """Calculate total price of items with tax"""
    total = sum(item['price'] for item in items)
    total = total * 0.9  # Apply 10% discount
    return total * 1.15  # Apply 15% tax

def format_currency(amount):
    """Format amount as EUR"""
    return f"€{amount:.2f}"

def process_order(items):
    total = calculate_total(items)
    shipping = 5.99 if total < 50 else 0
    return {
        'status': 'processed',
        'total': format_currency(total + shipping),
        'items_count': len(items),
        'shipping': shipping

View Diff

< <<<<<<< HEAD
<     """Calculate total price of items with 10% discount"""
<     total = sum(item['price'] for item in items)
<     return total * 0.9  # Apply 10% discount
< =======
< def calculate_total(items):
>     total = total * 0.9  # Apply 10% discount
< >>>>>>> feature/add-tax
< <<<<<<< HEAD
<     """Format amount as USD"""
<     return f"${amount:.2f}"
< =======
< >>>>>>> feature/currency-update
< <<<<<<< HEAD
<     return {
<         'status': 'success',
<         'total': format_currency(total),
<         'items_count': len(items)
<     }
< =======
>         'items_count': len(items),
< >>>>>>> feature/shipping


The best way to learn is to practice. Below, you will find some of the solutions other golfers have entered. To unlock higher ranked solutions, submit your own entry which does as well or better than the solutions you can currently see - climb the ladder!

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#33 Badita Marin-Georgian / @GeorgianBadita - Score: 765 - 11/19/24 @ 22:27
d6ji<Esc>ud5jkjjjjddjd:10<CR>ujddddddddkkjjjjddjjjddddddddddddddjjjjjjddjkkkkkkkkkkkkkOtotal = total )<BS>* 0.9 # Plly<BS><BS><BS><BS>Apply 10% dic<BS>scount<Esc>i<Esc>hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhi<BS>  <Esc>;w<CR>Gfgg<Esc>ggdG<50-53>def calculate_total(items):<CR>    """Calculate total price of items with tax"""<CR>    total = sum(item['price'] for item in items)<CR>    total = total * 0.9  # Apply 10% discount<CR>    return total * 1.15  # Apply 15% tax<CR><CR>def format_currency(amount):<CR>    """Format amount as EUR"""<CR>    return f"<0xe2><0x82><0xac>{amount:.2f}"<CR><CR>def process_order(items):<CR>    total = calculate_total(items)<CR>    shipping = 5.99 if total < 50 else 0<CR>    return {<CR>        'status': 'processed',<CR>        'total': format_currency(total + shipping),<CR>        'items_count': len(items),<CR>        'shipping': shipping<CR>    }<Esc>[201~<Esc>;<Esc>l<Esc>;<Esc><Esc>;:w<CR>:q<CR>


Created by: @pacuna

33 active golfers, 110 entries

Leaderboard (lowest score wins):
#31 - Buliway / @Buliway

11/30/2024 at 09:24PM

#32 - Guillaume Seren / @guillaumeseren

12/09/2024 at 01:38PM

#33 - Badita Marin-Georgian / @GeorgianBadita

11/19/2024 at 10:27PM