Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

Pick a challenge, fire up Vim, and show us what you got.

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$ vimgolf setup
$ vimgolf put [challenge ID]

Played Challenges

Yo To Hello - 1127 entries

Simply Turn Yo To Hello

  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #17 / 522
  • Number of attempts: 1
Simple, Practical, and Common - 33483 entries

Simple things we do all the time should be able to be done with very few keystrokes, but sometimes I find something I need to do makes me go, "There MUST be a better way." This challenge is just a simple movement and entering text at a certain place.

  • Best score: 22
  • Best player score: 30
  • Position: #5016 / 7384
  • Number of attempts: 1
Swap values - 4554 entries

Well, swap the values...

  • Best score: 11
  • Best player score: 13
  • Position: #539 / 1259
  • Number of attempts: 6
One number per line - 18673 entries

Just give me the numbers.

  • Best score: 14
  • Best player score: 22
  • Position: #2580 / 3852
  • Number of attempts: 4
Add semicolons - 10831 entries

Simply add a semicolon at the end of each line

  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 11
  • Position: #898 / 3055
  • Number of attempts: 3
Box it - 7849 entries

Create a box around a line.

  • Best score: 21
  • Best player score: 26
  • Position: #1043 / 1870
  • Number of attempts: 1
Cool or not? - 802 entries

abc trying to be cool or not...

  • Best score: 15
  • Best player score: 20
  • Position: #148 / 228
  • Number of attempts: 1
Flip the bit - 126 entries

Change the specific 0 to a 1.

  • Best score: 7
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #49 / 73
  • Number of attempts: 1
Just the middle - 11380 entries

Delete the instructions at the top and bottom.

  • Best score: 7
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #3661 / 4174
  • Number of attempts: 4
Fun With The Diagonal - 104 entries

change the lowercase characters on the main diagonal to uppercase

  • Best score: 11
  • Best player score: 11
  • Position: #17 / 80
  • Number of attempts: 1
One to Ten - 2174 entries

Generate the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10, one number per line. Inspired by this Reddit thread:

  • Best score: 12
  • Best player score: 14
  • Position: #408 / 664
  • Number of attempts: 2
Increment each number - 995 entries

Increment each number individually by one

  • Best score: 15
  • Best player score: 23
  • Position: #191 / 245
  • Number of attempts: 1
ASCII Art - 85 entries

how good are you with simple regex?

  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #7 / 53
  • Number of attempts: 2
Delete to the end of the current line - 795 entries

Delete to the end of the current line, but keep the character under the cursor.

  • Best score: 5
  • Best player score: 5
  • Position: #14 / 387
  • Number of attempts: 3
change parenthesis - 287 entries

change the pair of braces into a pair of parentheses

  • Best score: 9
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #103 / 160
  • Number of attempts: 1
move titles next to url, in quotes - 510 entries

had trouble with something similar

  • Best score: 19
  • Best player score: 24
  • Position: #106 / 137
  • Number of attempts: 1
Mute the second method of this script - 449 entries

prepend a # infront of every line of the second method

  • Best score: 8
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #182 / 238
  • Number of attempts: 3
Remove hard line breaks - 68 entries

Text files with Hard breaks are not good for e-readers. We need remove all hard line breaks and have long lines.

  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 31
  • Position: #32 / 33
  • Number of attempts: 1
I forgot quotes - 15946 entries


  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 18
  • Position: #3107 / 4166
  • Number of attempts: 3
A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 ! - 10652 entries


  • Best score: 11
  • Best player score: 14
  • Position: #2714 / 3677
  • Number of attempts: 2
Jacob Degeling

Dad, Husband, IT Guy, Creative

entered into 20 challenges

contributed 0 challenges