Played Challenges
Easier Align - 406 entries
Align the columns of a markdown table
- Best score: 51
- Best player score: 58
- Position: #8 / 96
- Number of attempts: 13
Poorly indented Python comments - 1315 entries
Fix the alignment of some Python comments as quickly as possible.
- Best score: 15
- Best player score: 21
- Position: #68 / 221
- Number of attempts: 11
Put a newline after every 10 lines in vim - 1660 entries
Goal is to put a newline after every 10 lines in vim.
- Best score: 10
- Best player score: 11
- Position: #72 / 558
- Number of attempts: 4
Wikitext headings to markdown - 987 entries
Convert the wikitext headings to markdown.
- Best score: 20
- Best player score: 20
- Position: #8 / 209
- Number of attempts: 7
hello-world-vimgolf - 2499 entries
Simple number generation
- Best score: 10
- Best player score: 11
- Position: #360 / 708
- Number of attempts: 2
Fill in the chess board - 959 entries
Fill in the name of each square using its file (a-h) and rank (1-8).
- Best score: 19
- Best player score: 31
- Position: #75 / 185
- Number of attempts: 1
Plotting some variables in python - 1661 entries
4 sets of (x,y) variables to plot. Just increment the numbers! Well, let's change the colors of the lines as well. Oh and we meant to plot the absolute values of course.
- Best score: 34
- Best player score: 34
- Position: #48 / 348
- Number of attempts: 12
Generate a very basic Python constructor - 316 entries
I actually needed to do this myself, so I look forward to learning how.
- Best score: 38
- Best player score: 38
- Position: #4 / 98
- Number of attempts: 8
Modernise code - 1400 entries
Modernise and clean up some C++ code.
- Best score: 34
- Best player score: 35
- Position: #79 / 323
- Number of attempts: 8
swap number pairs - 2104 entries
Swap the numbers in a bunch of 2-element arrays.
- Best score: 16
- Best player score: 17
- Position: #88 / 381
- Number of attempts: 14
HS Final exam vimgolf - 897 entries
Change the initial file to a single line containing all names comma-separated with numbers inside parentheses.
- Best score: 21
- Best player score: 22
- Position: #82 / 236
- Number of attempts: 12
Rural Post - 4492 entries
Simple challenge to remove all but the post code on each line
- Best score: 9
- Best player score: 10
- Position: #413 / 1103
- Number of attempts: 4
Satisfy the go linter - 2393 entries
You just came up with this briliant go vars package. But dang, you forgot to add comments to the exported variables. Can you add a comment over each variable with a TODO-placeholder?
- Best score: 20
- Best player score: 20
- Position: #94 / 472
- Number of attempts: 8
Simple, Practical, and Common - 33664 entries
Simple things we do all the time should be able to be done with very few keystrokes, but sometimes I find something I need to do makes me go, "There MUST be a better way." This challenge is just a simple movement and entering text at a certain place.
- Best score: 22
- Best player score: 22
- Position: #2320 / 7429
- Number of attempts: 9
prepend * to every non-blank line - 6323 entries
Prepend an asterisk to every non-blank line in the input file.
- Best score: 10
- Best player score: 10
- Position: #388 / 1542
- Number of attempts: 5
One number per line - 18751 entries
Just give me the numbers.
- Best score: 14
- Best player score: 14
- Position: #723 / 3869
- Number of attempts: 9
Add semicolons - 10876 entries
Simply add a semicolon at the end of each line
- Best score: 10
- Best player score: 11
- Position: #1695 / 3069
- Number of attempts: 4
Com(m)a Trouble - 3853 entries
Someone was real stupid when placing his commas. Can you fix it?
- Best score: 12
- Best player score: 13
- Position: #329 / 871
- Number of attempts: 6
Box it - 7911 entries
Create a box around a line.
- Best score: 21
- Best player score: 21
- Position: #420 / 1879
- Number of attempts: 8
Just the middle - 11473 entries
Delete the instructions at the top and bottom.
- Best score: 7
- Best player score: 8
- Position: #3164 / 4205
- Number of attempts: 1
Missing Library and a Typo - 887 entries
I forgot to add a c library, please add it for me. Also I'm bad at typing so fix my typo too.
- Best score: 14
- Best player score: 16
- Position: #99 / 213
- Number of attempts: 8
Array transposition - 2417 entries
Transpose two arrays into one.
- Best score: 16
- Best player score: 17
- Position: #169 / 448
- Number of attempts: 16
I forgot quotes - 16007 entries
- Best score: 10
- Best player score: 11
- Position: #1237 / 4186
- Number of attempts: 9
Sort the VimGolf challenges by popularity - 348 entries
"Sort by popularity" is a good order to play the challenges. Not perfect, but you could do a lot worse. ;) Input is a sample copy-pasted from Some of the challenge names have digits that will get in your way, so read ":help :sort" for hints on sorting with a regex. When you're done, try your solution on the full list!
- Best score: 15
- Best player score: 17
- Position: #73 / 107
- Number of attempts: 5
Transposition - 99 entries
Transpose the original lines in separate columns, one for each line.
- Best score: 31
- Best player score: 50
- Position: #23 / 32
- Number of attempts: 6