Reformat most common surnames
Reformat copy-pasted table into a list of the most common surnames
Start file
Surname Approx Number % Frequency Rank SMITH 2,501,922 1.006 1 JOHNSON 2,014,470 0.81 2 WILLIAMS 1,738,413 0.699 3 JONES 1,544,427 0.621 4 BROWN 1,544,427 0.621 5 DAVIS 1,193,760 0.48 6 MILLER 1,054,488 0.424 7 WILSON 843,093 0.339 8 MOORE 775,944 0.312 9 TAYLOR 773,457 0.311 10
End file
1. Smith 2. Johnson 3. Williams 4. Jones 5. Brown 6. Davis 7. Miller 8. Wilson 9. Moore 10. Taylor
View Diff
1,11c1,10 < Surname Approx Number % Frequency Rank < SMITH 2,501,922 1.006 1 < JOHNSON 2,014,470 0.81 2 < WILLIAMS 1,738,413 0.699 3 < JONES 1,544,427 0.621 4 < BROWN 1,544,427 0.621 5 < DAVIS 1,193,760 0.48 6 < MILLER 1,054,488 0.424 7 < WILSON 843,093 0.339 8 < MOORE 775,944 0.312 9 < TAYLOR 773,457 0.311 10 --- > 1. Smith > 2. Johnson > 3. Williams > 4. Jones > 5. Brown > 6. Davis > 7. Miller > 8. Wilson > 9. Moore > 10. Taylor
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