Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

Pick a challenge, fire up Vim, and show us what you got.

Changelog, Rules & FAQ, updates: @vimgolf, RSS.

Your VimGolf key: please sign in

$ gem install vimgolf
$ vimgolf setup
$ vimgolf put 5447b459380e8b0002000db3

Gray area

It's a golf metaphor or something.

Start file
a_golf_ball - > - > - > - > |___________| -
End file
            - > - > - > - > |a_golf_ball| -

View Diff

< a_golf_ball - > - > - > - > |___________| -
>             - > - > - > - > |a_golf_ball| -

Solutions by @atckmn:

Unlock 1 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @udioica

270 active golfers, 745 entries

Solutions by @atckmn:
#205 - Andy Tockman / @atckmn

11/22/2014 at 01:51PM