7th Birthday
We have a bunch of numbers written from 0 to 9 in the order present in the text input file. The task is to create 7 by replacing the numbers with dashes.
Start file
12345678901234 23456789012345 34567890123456 45678901234567 56789012345678 67890123456789 78901234567890 89012345678901 90123456789012
End file
12----------- 2--56789012--5 3456789012--56 456789012--567 56789012--5678 6789012--56789 789012--567890 89012--5678901 9012--56789012
View Diff
1,9c1,9 < 12345678901234 < 23456789012345 < 34567890123456 < 45678901234567 < 56789012345678 < 67890123456789 < 78901234567890 < 89012345678901 < 90123456789012 --- > 12----------- > 2--56789012--5 > 3456789012--56 > 456789012--567 > 56789012--5678 > 6789012--56789 > 789012--567890 > 89012--5678901 > 9012--56789012
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