Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

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Bad Copy Syntax

Copy should be from right to left, but sometimes you type it wrong.

Start file
   copyRtL(source, destination);
   copyRtL("John Q. Public", nameVariable);
End file
   copyRtL(destination, source);
   copyRtL(nameVariable, "John Q. Public");

View Diff

<    copyRtL(source, destination);
<    copyRtL("John Q. Public", nameVariable);
>    copyRtL(destination, source);
>    copyRtL(nameVariable, "John Q. Public");

Solutions by @saherneklawy:

Unlock 6 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @BradleySmall

526 active golfers, 2038 entries

Solutions by @saherneklawy:
#240 - Saher El-Neklawy / @saherneklawy

10/22/2019 at 11:54AM

#>288 - Saher El-Neklawy / @saherneklawy

10/22/2019 at 11:51AM

#>347 - Saher El-Neklawy / @saherneklawy

10/22/2019 at 11:49AM

#>389 - Saher El-Neklawy / @saherneklawy

10/22/2019 at 11:45AM

#>403 - Saher El-Neklawy / @saherneklawy

10/16/2019 at 09:13AM

#>458 - Saher El-Neklawy / @saherneklawy

10/16/2019 at 09:11AM