Change class fields from snake case to camel case
Change the class fields in this Scala class from snake case to camel case
Start file
case class User( id: Long, username: String, email: String, first_name: String, last_name: String, age: Int, gender: String, phone_number: String, address: String, city: String, country: String, postal_code: String, occupation: String, company: String, salary: Double, is_active: Boolean, registration_date: java.time.LocalDate, last_login_date: java.time.LocalDateTime, preferences: Map[String, String], roles: List[String] )
End file
case class User( id: Long, username: String, email: String, firstName: String, lastName: String, age: Int, gender: String, phoneNumber: String, address: String, city: String, country: String, postalCode: String, occupation: String, company: String, salary: Double, isActive: Boolean, registrationDate: java.time.LocalDate, lastLoginDate: java.time.LocalDateTime, preferences: Map[String, String], roles: List[String] )
View Diff
5,6c5,6 < first_name: String, < last_name: String, --- > firstName: String, > lastName: String, 9c9 < phone_number: String, --- > phoneNumber: String, 13c13 < postal_code: String, --- > postalCode: String, 17,19c17,19 < is_active: Boolean, < registration_date: java.time.LocalDate, < last_login_date: java.time.LocalDateTime, --- > isActive: Boolean, > registrationDate: java.time.LocalDate, > lastLoginDate: java.time.LocalDateTime,
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