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Fix the git merge conflicts

Solve the merge conflicts in the Python file

Start file
<<<<<<< HEAD
def calculate_total(items):
    """Calculate total price of items with 10% discount"""
    total = sum(item['price'] for item in items)
    return total * 0.9  # Apply 10% discount
def calculate_total(items):
    """Calculate total price of items with tax"""
    total = sum(item['price'] for item in items)
    return total * 1.15  # Apply 15% tax
>>>>>>> feature/add-tax

def format_currency(amount):
<<<<<<< HEAD
    """Format amount as USD"""
    return f"${amount:.2f}"
    """Format amount as EUR"""
    return f"€{amount:.2f}"
>>>>>>> feature/currency-update

def process_order(items):
    total = calculate_total(items)
<<<<<<< HEAD
    return {
        'status': 'success',
        'total': format_currency(total),
        'items_count': len(items)
    shipping = 5.99 if total < 50 else 0
    return {
        'status': 'processed',
        'total': format_currency(total + shipping),
        'shipping': shipping
>>>>>>> feature/shipping
End file
def calculate_total(items):
    """Calculate total price of items with tax"""
    total = sum(item['price'] for item in items)
    total = total * 0.9  # Apply 10% discount
    return total * 1.15  # Apply 15% tax

def format_currency(amount):
    """Format amount as EUR"""
    return f"€{amount:.2f}"

def process_order(items):
    total = calculate_total(items)
    shipping = 5.99 if total < 50 else 0
    return {
        'status': 'processed',
        'total': format_currency(total + shipping),
        'items_count': len(items),
        'shipping': shipping

View Diff

< <<<<<<< HEAD
<     """Calculate total price of items with 10% discount"""
<     total = sum(item['price'] for item in items)
<     return total * 0.9  # Apply 10% discount
< =======
< def calculate_total(items):
>     total = total * 0.9  # Apply 10% discount
< >>>>>>> feature/add-tax
< <<<<<<< HEAD
<     """Format amount as USD"""
<     return f"${amount:.2f}"
< =======
< >>>>>>> feature/currency-update
< <<<<<<< HEAD
<     return {
<         'status': 'success',
<         'total': format_currency(total),
<         'items_count': len(items)
<     }
< =======
>         'items_count': len(items),
< >>>>>>> feature/shipping

Solutions by @meyerben:

Unlock 1 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @pacuna

34 active golfers, 113 entries

Solutions by @meyerben:
#19 - Ben / @meyerben

01/14/2025 at 04:39AM