Played Challenges
It'ss tooo coold too typpe todaay - 224 entries
My hands are numb with cold. It's hard to type correctly.
- Best score: 16
- Best player score: 24
- Position: #73 / 98
- Number of attempts: 1
Generate English Alphabets - 487 entries
Start with a, get up to z.
- Best score: 19
- Best player score: 25
- Position: #81 / 206
- Number of attempts: 3
Insert a Markdown link - 450 entries
Put a link in a markdown document, using the after-the-paragraph format.
- Best score: 22
- Best player score: 26
- Position: #93 / 149
- Number of attempts: 3
Ruby 1.9 hashes - 1249 entries
Rubyists talk about being cutting edge but how many are using 1.9 in production? Time to convert those verbose 1.8 hashes in to symbolic, succinct 1.9 beauties!
- Best score: 12
- Best player score: 13
- Position: #135 / 407
- Number of attempts: 3
Shebangs for all - 2016 entries
We've all seen or used a shebang once or twice. Ditch the specific paths and leave just a dynamic Ruby and Python bath behind.
- Best score: 11
- Best player score: 15
- Position: #252 / 518
- Number of attempts: 1
A Simple One - 1057 entries
Here is a very simple one - just to illustrate/introduce a vim feature that some people seem to miss...
- Best score: 9
- Best player score: 9
- Position: #71 / 667
- Number of attempts: 3
Round Round - 321 entries
Round Round
- Best score: 19
- Best player score: 97
- Position: #66 / 88
- Number of attempts: 2
Table Reshuffle - 439 entries
Fix the column order in this table... also append the new 'username' column.
- Best score: 22
- Best player score: 43
- Position: #121 / 142
- Number of attempts: 2
Reverse Simple Deletion - 854 entries
You did the simple deletion, now reverse it.
- Best score: 11
- Best player score: 12
- Position: #142 / 460
- Number of attempts: 6
Hatsuyume - 540 entries
- Best score: 15
- Best player score: 34
- Position: #156 / 187
- Number of attempts: 1
The Cake is a Lie - 1359 entries
Correct the capitalization of each word
- Best score: 9
- Best player score: 9
- Position: #18 / 530
- Number of attempts: 2
Context Insensitive completion 1 - 506 entries
Finish writing this simple Python HTTP server.
- Best score: 18
- Best player score: 40
- Position: #238 / 247
- Number of attempts: 1
Make Fancy Header - 1059 entries
Make the header text stand out with surrounding asterisks
- Best score: 15
- Best player score: 24
- Position: #296 / 345
- Number of attempts: 3
Simple text editing with Vim - 12925 entries
Make the pairs of lines match up by making each second line same as first
- Best score: 13
- Best player score: 33
- Position: #3470 / 3722
- Number of attempts: 1