Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

Pick a challenge, fire up Vim, and show us what you got.

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Played Challenges

Reformat symbols in list - 1507 entries

Saw this in some lecture, easy reformatting using multiple cursor in VS Code

  • Best score: 24
  • Best player score: 25
  • Position: #65 / 334
  • Number of attempts: 5
Substraction (bis) - 582 entries

Solve the equations (adapted from the original @Caek_'s challenge).

  • Best score: 21
  • Best player score: 27
  • Position: #43 / 110
  • Number of attempts: 13
Many duplicates - 1350 entries

Quick and easy

  • Best score: 7
  • Best player score: 8
  • Position: #129 / 440
  • Number of attempts: 3
2 quick changes and a numbered list - 615 entries

The ascii will not be lost, but rather numbered in 4 digit blocks with leading zeros.

  • Best score: 37
  • Best player score: 38
  • Position: #39 / 148
  • Number of attempts: 8
Generate a very basic Python constructor (fixed) - 1231 entries

Original by @BiddulphCaleb ( - had some extra spaces in output file.

  • Best score: 29
  • Best player score: 29
  • Position: #32 / 260
  • Number of attempts: 8
Put a newline after every 10 lines in vim - 1649 entries

Goal is to put a newline after every 10 lines in vim.

  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 11
  • Position: #141 / 551
  • Number of attempts: 4
hello-world-vimgolf - 2472 entries

Simple number generation

  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #36 / 699
  • Number of attempts: 4
Contribute to keyboard mashing - 880 entries

Speak in tongues

  • Best score: 17
  • Best player score: 17
  • Position: #11 / 268
  • Number of attempts: 5
Transpose a python matrix - 848 entries

Rotate the matrix in 90 degrees.

  • Best score: 23
  • Best player score: 24
  • Position: #22 / 135
  • Number of attempts: 5
simple replacements - 1710 entries

The goal is to see the replacement commands in action.

  • Best score: 19
  • Best player score: 22
  • Position: #163 / 378
  • Number of attempts: 4
Inverting Lines - 1870 entries

A simple challenge to invert all lines, except the first.

  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #79 / 505
  • Number of attempts: 3
RUST Cargo.toml version to last - 332 entries

RUST Cargo.toml version to last. rusty practice on vimgolf

  • Best score: 16
  • Best player score: 16
  • Position: #19 / 99
  • Number of attempts: 6
대법원 인명용 한자 바인딩(Combine Hangul and Chinese characters) - 28 entries

The character system of Chinese characters has caused difficulties in character encoding for a long time. The content is to link the Korean name and the corresponding Chinese character. input is simply pasted Chinese table, and you need to make it in json format. Most of them are omitted because there are too many Chinese characters, but I think it's better to work from "가" to "힐". There are a few rules here. 1. One Hangul must correspond to multiple Chinese characters. 2. In the case of "a(b c)", "a" is a redundant Chinese character, so you must remove "a" and use only "b c". 3. There are some characters here that don't appear to be an encoding issue, but they should all be used. 4. Should follow json format, Chinese characters are arrays. 문자인코딩의 역사속에서 한문은 여러가지 난제를 만들어왔습니다. 이 문제는 대법원 인명용 한자를 바인딩하는 것입니다. input은 단순히 인명용한자 표를 붙여넣기 한 것이며, 이것을 json형식으로 만들어야합니다. 한자가 너무 많은 관계로 대부분을 생략하였으나, 기본적으로 "가"부터 "힐"까지 모두 동작하는 것이 좋다고 생각합니다. 여기에는 몇가지 규칙이 있습니다. 1. 한글 하나에는 여러개의 한자가 대응합니다. 2. "a(b c)"같은 경우 "a"는 중복된 한자이므로, "a"를 제거하고 "b c"만을 사용해야합니다. 3. 몇몇 한자는 인코딩의 문제로 보이지 않을 수 있습니다. 그러나 모두 사용해야합니다. 4. json형식을 따르며, 한자는 배열입니다.

  • Best score: 56
  • Best player score: 69
  • Position: #3 / 6
  • Number of attempts: 5
swap number pairs - 2023 entries

Swap the numbers in a bunch of 2-element arrays.

  • Best score: 16
  • Best player score: 17
  • Position: #98 / 373
  • Number of attempts: 10
Capitalize the Names - 382 entries

I want to capitalize the names in quotes, but just the people's names, not the file names.

  • Best score: 21
  • Best player score: 26
  • Position: #55 / 95
  • Number of attempts: 8
Yo To Hello - 1127 entries

Simply Turn Yo To Hello

  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #53 / 522
  • Number of attempts: 3
Simple, Practical, and Common - 33483 entries

Simple things we do all the time should be able to be done with very few keystrokes, but sometimes I find something I need to do makes me go, "There MUST be a better way." This challenge is just a simple movement and entering text at a certain place.

  • Best score: 22
  • Best player score: 22
  • Position: #2164 / 7384
  • Number of attempts: 12
prepend * to every non-blank line - 6254 entries

Prepend an asterisk to every non-blank line in the input file.

  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 13
  • Position: #821 / 1530
  • Number of attempts: 4
One number per line - 18673 entries

Just give me the numbers.

  • Best score: 14
  • Best player score: 14
  • Position: #657 / 3852
  • Number of attempts: 11
Prime Numbers - 345 entries

List the first 100 prime numbers.

  • Best score: 34
  • Best player score: 39
  • Position: #28 / 102
  • Number of attempts: 10
Split line with dots - 2131 entries

This line is too long, split it.

  • Best score: 15
  • Best player score: 22
  • Position: #469 / 633
  • Number of attempts: 5
remove lines containing the word "reader" - 3556 entries

easy stuff

  • Best score: 9
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #809 / 1151
  • Number of attempts: 9
Wrap the text of an email message to 79 characters - 705 entries

You're replying to an email with silly long lines. Clean them up.

  • Best score: 5
  • Best player score: 5
  • Position: #272 / 398
  • Number of attempts: 2
Box it - 7849 entries

Create a box around a line.

  • Best score: 21
  • Best player score: 24
  • Position: #934 / 1870
  • Number of attempts: 8
Every other line - 2902 entries


  • Best score: 12
  • Best player score: 16
  • Position: #410 / 702
  • Number of attempts: 3
Search and Replace 0 - 4853 entries

Replace every instance of 'aaa' with 'xaaax'.

  • Best score: 12
  • Best player score: 12
  • Position: #699 / 1605
  • Number of attempts: 3
Basic renumbering - 5605 entries

Renumbering Basic.

  • Best score: 11
  • Best player score: 15
  • Position: #531 / 1260
  • Number of attempts: 3
One to Ten - 2174 entries

Generate the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10, one number per line. Inspired by this Reddit thread:

  • Best score: 12
  • Best player score: 12
  • Position: #279 / 664
  • Number of attempts: 5
Put the months in order - 972 entries

Our contractor thought that months should be in alphabetical order. Put them in calendar order please.

  • Best score: 20
  • Best player score: 31
  • Position: #54 / 161
  • Number of attempts: 8
Restore order to the alphabet - 197 entries

The numbers are OK. The letters are wonky.

  • Best score: 12
  • Best player score: 22
  • Position: #54 / 71
  • Number of attempts: 4
convert yml into java pojo field - 837 entries

How fast vim can create fields for java pojo i.e class declaration referring to a (simple) yml file

  • Best score: 29
  • Best player score: 29
  • Position: #89 / 225
  • Number of attempts: 7
Not enough Ps - 67 entries

Different type of code

  • Best score: 13
  • Best player score: 13
  • Position: #22 / 36
  • Number of attempts: 3
Merge blank lines and properly capitalize - 82 entries

Here you need complete 2 tasks: 1. Remove all unwanted continuous blank lines and leave only 1 blank line between paragraphs. 2. Properly capitalize the sentences.

  • Best score: 21
  • Best player score: 42
  • Position: #17 / 24
  • Number of attempts: 3
Simple Maths - 46 entries

Not much to say, discover by yourself!

  • Best score: 26
  • Best player score: 35
  • Position: #18 / 26
  • Number of attempts: 2
Subtraction - 179 entries

Solve the equations.

  • Best score: 18
  • Best player score: 22
  • Position: #29 / 62
  • Number of attempts: 2
A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 ! - 10652 entries


  • Best score: 11
  • Best player score: 12
  • Position: #2448 / 3677
  • Number of attempts: 1
Words in parens - 12868 entries

We should all ace this, right?

  • Best score: 13
  • Best player score: 14
  • Position: #1095 / 3950
  • Number of attempts: 2
switch variable - 5045 entries

how fast can you switch two variable ?

  • Best score: 11
  • Best player score: 14
  • Position: #1439 / 1742
  • Number of attempts: 2
Make it more readable - 1955 entries

Insert blank lines to make it more organized and readable

  • Best score: 13
  • Best player score: 14
  • Position: #198 / 643
  • Number of attempts: 3
A Simple One - 1009 entries

Here is a very simple one - just to illustrate/introduce a vim feature that some people seem to miss...

  • Best score: 9
  • Best player score: 9
  • Position: #546 / 648
  • Number of attempts: 1
82 bottles of beer on the wall - 307 entries

Take them down. (sorry, only 82 bottles because the problem size is limited!)

  • Best score: 106
  • Best player score: 137
  • Position: #97 / 143
  • Number of attempts: 1
Increment, increment, increment.... - 668 entries

Vim likes macros

  • Best score: 10
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #50 / 404
  • Number of attempts: 3
Dumb to smart - 97 entries

Turn dumb quote to smart vim's way.

  • Best score: 28
  • Best player score: 28
  • Position: #8 / 55
  • Number of attempts: 1
The Cake is a Lie - 1301 entries

Correct the capitalization of each word

  • Best score: 9
  • Best player score: 9
  • Position: #267 / 517
  • Number of attempts: 4
Remove Accent off the Letter - 107 entries

Remove all the accent from extremely accented statements.

  • Best score: 37
  • Best player score: 73
  • Position: #38 / 50
  • Number of attempts: 1
Compile C - 366 entries

You might have to get clever to do this one.

  • Best score: 19
  • Best player score: 19
  • Position: #18 / 133
  • Number of attempts: 7
Make Fancy Header - 1024 entries

Make the header text stand out with surrounding asterisks

  • Best score: 15
  • Best player score: 17
  • Position: #210 / 340
  • Number of attempts: 4
Reformat some Python - 590 entries

Fix some very bizarrely laid-out code.

  • Best score: 34
  • Best player score: 40
  • Position: #93 / 233
  • Number of attempts: 1
Simple text editing with Vim - 12491 entries

Make the pairs of lines match up by making each second line same as first

  • Best score: 13
  • Best player score: 14
  • Position: #1910 / 3626
  • Number of attempts: 3

Accompagnement formations

entered into 49 challenges

contributed 0 challenges